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Frikes Panighiri 2004

Wednesday 30th June 2004

Why is everyone smiling? It's the Frikes Panighiri, that's why. It's a great way to start the Summer celebrations on Ithaki.
Elvis is back in the building
Pork on the Spit , Souvlaki on the Charcoal Grill, local wines from around the area and people happy to be sharing them together make up a good crowd.

The tables empty and the street begins to shake. Everyone wants to have a go at Greek Dancing. Some aren't bad, some are pretty shocking, but no one cares. Tonight there's only one thing on everyone's mind and that's to have a good time. And who cares about tomorrows hangover or a few wrong steps.

Here we go!


It's a warm night after a hot day and there's nothing like a party in Frikes to cool everyone down enough to sweat it out on the dance floor.

It's Panighiri Time!

Greeks, Spanish, Germans, Brits, Aussies, Dutch and Inbetweeners bond the Greek way.
The band fires up with some oldies, classics, top hits and favorites so that our local Representative of the New Democrat Party, Mr. Andrianatos, can sing the audience into the frenzy they expect from a Panighiri.

The most spoken language of the night is Body Language. A multi-lingual expression we all can be involved in.

Stin i yeia sas

The drive home needs serious concentration. Dodge the street bars, dodge the dancers, dodge the tipsy, dodge the waiters and waitresses, dodge the cats, dodge the dogs, dodge the kids, dodge the sun burnt.
'Vogue" the Panighiri way

" I win. I'm still sober"


No plates broken this year, at least not on purpose, but it was a fun night anyway.


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